Since I have have been terrible these past few months, here is a quick update with what's happening with us.
When we purchased our 1920's bungalow, we knew it needed some work. This is one project I had been dying to have completed. A new driveway! Who knew new concrete could be so exciting. Ellie loved watching the equipment doing what it does best--working.
It has been a miserably hot summer, to escape the heat we have been doing a little hiking a Brighton. Ellie (with minimual help) did a mile and a half hike. What a little trooper.
Ellie has a couple loves in her life. Elmo, fruit snacks, and swinging. Here she is!
My sis Melissa and I participated in the MS Tour this summer. Melissa did all the work of rasing the money, I was there for "Moral support". I made a smiggen more than half way, Melissa finished the whole thing. Go sister!
We bought Ellie her own potty chair awhile ago, so we are spending more and more time in the bathroom. This is just one of the many suprises I have walked in on.
Ellie loves the water, so I signed us up for a Mom and tot guppie swim class at Murray Rec. She was not cooperating with me trying to get her photo. But she really loved the class and we signed up again for the Fall session.
We finally got rid of her rear faceing car seat, now she is a big girl in her special forward facing seat. She is most impressed with the semi trucks so far.
We found out on Ellies 2nd Birthday that we are expecting our second baby. We are supper excited (And a little nervous) and find out the gender next week.
This is part of her morning routine with Daddy. She wakes up and he will go and get her from her crib, turn on her cartoon and bring in her already prepared breakfast. It's so cute. Can you say spoiled :)
I just thought this photo was so funny. The huge rats nest on the back of her head, her diaper haning on by her hips, and her Crocs to top it off. Hilarious!
She recently discovered these little cars on the front of the grocery carts. She loves them. If you try to get a normal cart, and she see's one of will have a gigantic tatntrum on your hands.
Justin did the Snowbird hill climb again this year. He was hoping to break the 1 hr mark, but missed it by 3 minutes. He place 33rd overall (Out of over 200) and 4th in his age group.
Sweletering heat + girl who loves water
I thought this photo was so sweet. This was taken last weekend. She had been sick for a few days, so nap time has been very important. Normally she takes a 2 hr nap, she was going on 3 hrs so I went to go check on her. She was softly snoring and looked so cozy, I couldn't bring myself to wake her.